Volume 16, Issue 2 (7-2017)                   jhosp 2017, 16(2): 70-81 | Back to browse issues page

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Mahmodi G, Abdi talarposhti M. Assessing the Prevalence of Accidents leading to Injury and Death and its Effective Factors in Selected Hospitals of Mazandran in 2012. jhosp 2017; 16 (2) :70-81
URL: http://jhosp.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5688-en.html
1- Research Center of Hospital Administration, Faculty of Medicine, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran, (*Corresponding author), Email: Ghahraman48@yahoo.com
2- Ph.D Student in Health Care Services, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
Abstract:   (7133 Views)

Background: Accidents are one of the important health problems in the medical community and the third cause of death after cardiovascular disease and cancer in the world, which can cause irreversible damage and lesion, impose heavy costs and depreciation. Therefore, this study aimed to identify epidemiological aspects of the accidents in the first six months in 2012.

Materials and Methods: This applied, descriptive and analytical study was conducted during the first 6 months of 2012. Study population was 1952 injured who referred to emergency department to selected hospitals of Mazandaran Province. Data collection performed using checklist of Center for Disease Control as well as interviews and observations. Data was analysis through SPSS version 17 using descriptive and interfere (x2 and Regression) tests.

Results: Study results revealed that there was a significant relationship between incidents leading to injury or death among referred to hospitals with age (p=0.03), gender (p=0.04), type of incident (p<0.001), place of injury ( p=0.005) and type of transfer to hospital ( p<0.001).

Conclusion: Regarding to the significant variables such as the type and location of accident, type of transfer the injured to the hospital, age and gender with accidents and death, planning appropriate education of law to youth, providing air bag and safety improvement of all cars, planning relevant road assistance system, accurate monitoring to its implementation, qualitative and quantitative development of medical centers recommended to Policy makers in health issues.

Keywords: Accidents, Injury, Mayhem, Death
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: سایر
Received: 2016/06/17 | Accepted: 2017/04/29 | Published: 2017/07/8

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