Submission Instruction

 | Post date: 2021/06/17 | 

"Hospital" journal belongs to the Scientific Association of Hospital Affairs, which in collaboration with Tehran University of Medical Sciences, publishes the latest scientific research findings in the field of health system management and economics, including researches related to clinical service excellence, nursing services, hospital facilities and medical equipment, food and medicine topics, insurance systems and payment methods, and patient safety.
Researchers and authors who wish to submit their article for publication to this journal are requested to pay attention to the following:
All submitted articles must include the following:
2-Names and details of all authors and corresponding author (including surname, name, academic rank, place of work, address, telephone and mobile phone, fax and e-mail)
3- Persian and English abstracts of the article
4-In writing the references of the article, the reference writing system (Vancouver) should be observed.
5- Commitment not to send the article to other journals (domestic and foreign) with the signatures of all authors
The following articles are published in this journal
A: Original Research Articles which are the result of the research findings of the author or authors.
B: Review Articles that include a general review of a new scientific topic and the author of these articles, while having sufficient scientific experience, must be an expert in the field in question. The structure of these articles should include abstract, background and purpose, information sources and methods for selecting sources, results, conclusion, and acknowledgment.
References and articles of the case studies should include an abstract (background and purpose, case introduction, conclusion, keywords), introduction, case introduction, discussion and conclusion, acknowledgment and references. The references used should not be less than 30.
Statistical principles: Statistical methods should be mentioned in sufficient details along with the computer program used and numerical discoveries and measurement error, and also the inclusion and exclusion criteria should be identified.

C: Short Communication articles: In order to expedite the publication of scientific findings, the journal inserts Short Communication articles. These articles should not be more than four pages long and can only have one Table or chart and a maximum of five references. The article does not need a Persian abstract and should include three sections: introduction, methods, results and short discussion (English abstract is required).
 D: Case Study articles include introduction, case introduction and keywords, English and Persian abstracts.  The body of the article includes introduction, case description and keywords.
Important Note: In any types of articles, if the study is a clinical trial, it must be registered at the Iranian Clinical Trial Registration Center at before submission to the journal and the registration number must be mentioned in Persian and English abstracts.
General principles
1. It is possible to send the article exclusively through the electronic address and the article file should be sent in A4 size with a line spacing of 1.2 cm and a margin of 2.5 cm. The manuscript should be written in an understandable and articulating way and foreign terms that have Persian equivalents should be avoided. All articles are in Persian and if the word is not a proper and common alternative to the Persian term, transliteration can be used and if desired, the original word can be stated in two arcs ().
2- The journal refuses to accept articles published in domestic or peer-reviewed journals, and authors should indicate in their letter of commitment that the article is new and has not been published or submitted to another journal at the same time.
3- Each member of the group of authors should give the last name and first name, academic rank, full postal address of the workplace, e-mail, telephone number in order of priority, and the corresponding author should be clearly identified. If there are more than one author, it should be noted that the article was prepared with the cooperation of all authors and approved by all authors. Also, the order of the names of the authors should be strictly observed and the signatures of each of them should be approved. The corresponding author must be specified along with the postal, electronic and telephone contact information.
 4-After receiving the manuscript, they will be sent to four referees for evaluation while observing the principles mentioned in the authors' guidelines. After the referees' approval and approval by the Writers Council, if the correction is needed, the article will be returned to the corresponding author and the article must be corrected and sent within two weeks so that the article is in print and notified to the corresponding author.

5- The protection of organizational secrets and patient information and the observance of medical and professional ethics in the article should be considered.
6-The writers council is free to reject, accept, modify or edit the article.
7- If the article is approved and accepted, all material and intellectual rights of the article will be at the disposal of the publication.
8- In any case, the full responsibility for the references and printed materials rests with the author or authors of the article.
9- Authors should disclose any dependencies that may be considered as conflicts of interest.
10- At least 3 copies of the journal containing the article will be sent to the corresponding author of each article.

‌‌Structure of ‌Submitted articles
1. Articles should be spaced 1.2 cm apart on one side of A4 paper with a margin of 2.5 cm on each side of the paper with Nazanin font 13 for Persian text and Times New Roman font 11 for English text with Microsoft Word XP software
2. Each article should include the first page or title page and pages of the article.
3. Title Page ‌includes a description and summary of the most important key points of the article.
- Article type: Original Article, Review Article, Case Study
- Running Title with a maximum of 40 letters (characters)
- Surname and names of authors, academic rank and also if you have a university position should be given immediately after the title of the article. The academic position is written as Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and full Professor.
Indicate the place of employment of the author or authors, including the relevant university or research institute. The academic rank of the authors is written as BSc / MSc, Ph.D / MD.
- The corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk and the full postal address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address should be mentioned.

Pages of the article
It is mandatory to submit the abstract of the article in both Persian and English on separate pages. The English abstract must be a translation of the Persian abstract. The abstract should be prepared in a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 250 words. Persian abstract includes background and purpose, materials and methods, results, conclusion and keywords. Keywords should be 3 to 6 words on the Mesh list in the Medicus Index. The abstract should be a summary of the key points of the article, stating the relationship between the scores of the tests and the methods used, as well as the tools and results obtained.
The English abstract should have the following structure:
Background- Materials & Methods- Results- Conclusion- Keywords
At the end of the English abstract, three to six words should be introduced as keywords. In addition, the English abstract must be a translation of the Persian abstract.

Note: ‌ Persian references must be translated into English.
By writing the introduction of the article, the publication of the article is justified that while stating the purpose of the research, it should summarize the studies and observations related to the research that have been done in the past by mentioning the relevant references. All the contents of the introduction should be based on the references and the references should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. The introduction should be based on answering the following questions.
1-What is the focus of this research?
2-Why is this important?
3- What are the benefits of doing this research?
4- What other studies have commented on this issue (for or against)
5- What aspects of this issue have not been studied so far?
6- What will the author do in this article (purpose of the study)

The purpose of the research and the hypotheses should be mentioned in the final lines of the introduction. If the research is to evaluate a new system or perform educational interventions, the introduction should include a suggestion or how to perform the intervention differently from previously reported or existing interventions or evaluations.
Materials and methods:
In this section, the study design, research method, how to select and control the samples, demographic information, as well as tools and how to collect and analyze data and statistical methods are fully described. The type of study must be mentioned at the beginning of this section
The findings of the research should be fully expressed in the text, Tables and graphs. The contents of the text, Tables and diagrams should not be duplicated. Tables and charts should be in Persian and should be given in the appropriate place at the end of the article. The number of Tables and charts should not exceed 3 and their size should not exceed 10 by 15 cm. Tables, charts and figures can be on separate pages as long as the order of reference is clear. Statistically, it should be designed in a completely clear and correct manner and in accordance with the format mentioned below, and diagrams should not be presented in a vague way.

All Tables and charts should be in black and white and two-dimensional by Microsoft Excel XP. The axes of the diagram should have complete and short descriptions along with measurement or descriptive units.
Tables, charts, and pictures should each be on a separate page with numbers, titles, and subtitles at the end of the article. The text should indicate the number of tables, diagrams and pictures and their location.
Tables or diagrams that have punctuation marks, they should be described in full in the footnotes and should be no ambiguity in the footnote of the diagram.
Tables and diagrams should be perfectly clear regardless of the text of the article and its understanding should not depend on the full study of the text of the article.
If standard deviation values ​​are used in the graphs, try to use a symbol in each line of the graph that is separable from the rest and draw the range of values ​​on one side of the graph.
Table titles should have at least a description and try to end in a line.
In tables, with the exception of horizontal and vertical lines in the captions, titles and table margins, avoid drawing too many vertical lines unless absolutely necessary. The lines inside the table should be drawn as a single line, without shadows and with greater thickness.
 The numbers in the tables and graphs should be in Persian.
Photos submitted must be in high resolution and quality and must be submitted separately in JPG or DPI300 format at the end of the article.

Discussion and Conclusion:
First, the main findings of the research should be briefly mentioned, and then these findings should be compared with similar cases in the country and abroad, and the reasons for their rejection or acceptance should be discussed in full with citing the relevant references. An overview of past articles is included in this section. Compare the new findings and the predicted findings and mention them at the end of the final conclusion of the article. Finally, the limitations of the study as well as the proposed new strategies and hypotheses for better conduct of similar research in the future should be mentioned.
The author or group of authors can thank and appreciate individuals or institutions who have contributed in some way to the study or compilation of the article and introduce the accrediting organizations.
References are written in Vancouver style and must be typed on a separate page. All references must be written in Latin and Persian references must be translated and written in English. The order of numbering the references should be in the order of their use in the text of the article. References should be written at the end of the article as follows:
Article: Pourreza, A. Kaldi, AR. Health care Expendiutre and Aging: 200751-7. Chapter: Jones, A. M. Introduction to Health Ecomonics. In: The Elgar Companion to Health Economics. Ed, Smith.
K. Edgward. Elgar Puplication, Frist Edition, England: 325-450.
Book: Scoth, A. Maynard, A. Elliot, R. Advances in Health economies, First Edition, England WILEY Puplication, 2003.
Chapter in book: palmer pj. The heart of a teacher. In:Ornstein AC, janson D, editors. Contemporary issues in curriculumð.Edition, Allyn& Bacon: Boston, 2003: 285-93
Internet: Boots Group Plc, Corporate Social Responsibility. [Oniline]. Boots Group Plc. 2003. Available From: Http:// [accessed July 2005]
It should be noted that in all the above cases, in case of multiple authors, the names of the first six authors should be mentioned in order and the names of the others should be mentioned as et al.
Structure of Persian references:
Journal: Author's surname, author's name, article title, journal title, year of publication, publication period, publication number of selected pages
Book: Author's surname, author's name, book title, publication number, place of publication, publisher, year of publication of selected pages.
Structure of English references:
Journal: Author's surname, the first letter of the author's name (the names of the authors should be written up to six people and then the word "et al" should be mentioned). Article title,  short article title, journal title, year of publication, publication period, publication number, selected pages should all be considered.
Book: Author's surname, first letter of the author's name, chapter title, name of the book's editors, book title and publication number, place of publication, publisher's name, year of publication and selected pages
Structure of Electronic references:
Author's surname, author's first letter, article title, e-journal abbreviation, year and month of publication, volume number, selected pages, web address
Authors Guideline Checklist:
1-The submitted article should include the following:
- Article title in both Persian and English with full details of the authors of the article, running title with a maximum of 40 letters and mentioning the type of article
- Abstract,  both Persian and English
- Introduction
- Materials and methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Acknowledgments
- References list (using Vancouver system)
2- Names and details of all authors and corresponding author including surname, first name, academic rank, place of work, address, telephone and mobile phone, fax and e-mail
3-Commitment not to submit articles to other journals (domestic and foreign) signed by all authors
4- After the requested corrections are made by the authors, the changes must be highlighted in color.

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